
The YMIR Model 34-A is a heavy combat mech that appears as a regular enemy in Mass Effect 2. Manufactured by Hahne-Kedar Corporation, the YMIR can often be found on Systems Alliance facilities and various human colonies. The lethal effectiveness of the YMIR has generated a high demand for it among various criminal gangs in the Terminus Systems.

YMIR heavy mechs are essentially walking tanks. While they may be slow-moving, their shields and armour are very strong and can take time to chip away. Even tech-burst attacks have little impact on them. YMIR mechs are armed with a rocket launcher on one arm and a mass accelerator machine-gun on the other, allowing them to make short work of any enemies regardless of armour class or shield strength. The first basic rule of fighting a YMIR: Take cover or die.

YMIR mechs can be dispatched relatively quickly by concentrating fire from various vantage points. As powerful as these robots are, they can only focus on one target at a time, so multiple targets moving between cover points stand a better chance of defeating a YMIR than one lone attacker.
