
Tengu Man (DWN-057) is one of the eight Robot Masters featuring in Mega Man 8. Dr. Wily modelled this robot after the Tengu, a legendary Japanese demon, intending to make him the ultimate aerial combatant. Using the razor-winged jet pack on his back, Tengu Man can fly at great speeds. He wields a three-bladed weapon in battle to shred his opponents and can also use this weapon to unleash a number of wind-based attacks.

Tengu Man is known for being arrogant and seems to possess an adolescent personality.

Game appearances[]

Mega Man 8[]

In Mega Man 8, Tengu Man is one of the first four Robot Masters in the game carrying a sample of Evil Energy that Dr. Wily recovered from his island base. Wily commands him to occupy Mega Man atop a mountain range and he is given command of a large fleet of air-combat robots. Mega Man, aided by his friends Rush, Eddie, Beat and Auto, smashes through Tengu Man's forces and defeats him.

Mega Man & Bass[]

Tengu Man reappears in Mega Man & Bass, having been rebuilt by the robot overlord King. The vengeful robot is eager for a rematch and joins King's robot army in order to face the Blue Bomber again. Of course, he fairs no better than last time and is beaten again.


  • Tengu Strike - Tengu Man swoops down and extends the needle-shaped beak on his faceplate, charging at the enemy to skewer them.
  • Tengu Blade - A triple-bladed weapon attached to Tengu Man's left arm. As well as being a good close-range weapon, it can also create strong blasts of air that can tear foes to shreds. Mega Man and Bass are both capable of copying this weapon and with it they can create wind projectiles that can bounce off surfaces.
  • Tornado Hold - Tengu Man throws his Tengu Blade to the ground and it spins rapidly, creating a powerful vortex that will trap enemies and carry them over the edge of their foothold. Mega Man copies this weapon in Mega Man 8.


  • Ice Wave (Mega Man 8) - Frost Man's weapon will cause Tengu Man's engine to seize up, dropping him like a stone.
  • Spread Drill (Mega Man & Bass) - Tengu Man's light framework can be easily torn through by Ground Man's drill projectiles.