Giga-Bot Prime

Gigabot Prime is a colossal battle robot created by Dr. Eggman in the Sonic the Hedgehog comics published by Archie. It appeared only once in the comic's landmark issue #125.


Gigabot Prime stood over 100 feet tall and possessed enough firepower to destroy a mountain. Eggman offered to use it in order to fight against the Xorda, an aggressive alien race intent on destroying Mobius. According to Eggman, the Gigabot Prime required significant levels of kinetic energy to power it, and only Sonic the Hedgehog himself was fast enough to power it up and operate it. With the fate of Mobius hanging in the balance, Eggman reached out to King Maximillian of the Kingdom of Acorn and begged him to allow Sonic to operate Gigabot Prime. Maximillian agreed on the condition that Eggman surrender half of his global territories. With the deal struck, Sonic met with Eggman in New Megaopolis and used the pedal system in Gigabot Prime's cockpit to operate the massive mecha. With Gigabot Prime, Sonic attacked the Xorda spaceship and punched it out of Mobius' atmosphere.

Dr. Eggman had no intention of keeping his promise to the king, however, and remotely activated a device that locked Sonic's legs to the pedals, forcing him to keep running and powering Gigabot Prime. Dr. Eggman could use Gigabot Prime to conquer Mobius once and for all with Sonic as the machine's battery, at least until Sonic starved to death. But the Xorda were not finished yet. As their ship hurtled out of Mobius' atmosphere, it released its ultimate weapon - the Quantum Dial - a device that would create a black hole that would inhale Mobius and the entire solar system. Eggman sent Gigabot Prime to attack the Dial, but an energy field around the device prevented any machinery from approaching it. Gigabot Prime fell apart as it approached the Dial.
